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4 Months Postpartum_ I'm Back After Having Child #4

It’s been a while.

How are you? I seriously would love to know, so feel free to reply in the comments.

I often get the question, “How are you?” and I seem to have trouble coming up with an answer.

I tend to get the question when I’m out with close friends and family and I catch them glance to take in the busyness of our four kiddos in our periphery.

I don’t really know what to say. Each hour, really, has its own theme these days. Sometimes one hour is seamless, and the next… utter chaos. It’s become my normal. I don’t tend to think too much of it at this point.

Sometimes I handle things well. Sometimes, I smile and can’t believe this is the life that God has chosen to bless my husband and me with. And sometimes I pray, “Lord Jesus, make my mansion on the new Earth situated by beautiful waters, with a nice view, and a thriving garden to steward.”

In a loss for words, I pause and simply say, “Good,” not fully knowing what else to say to encapsulate these last four months (it’s been four months since the birth of our youngest son, Eli.)

I’d be here all day describing all the things I’m learning in this season. So… can I just share what I wanna share?! As in, can I share nothing super deep, insightful, or thought-provoking?

1) My family and I joined a new gym and I’ve been swimming y’all! It’s been a literal dream. I learned how to swim a few years ago through my then-neighbor, Ms. Mary, and since then, swimming has been my outlet for praying, working out, and releasing pent-up stress. This new gym that I joined has spa-like features. I swim, go to the steam room, shower, and take my time oiling my body and getting dressed for the day without rushing. It’s absolutely delightful.

It’s the one part of my day where I can actually feel my thoughts slow down and match my breathing…where I can release to God everything I’m thinking and feeling… and where I can escape from all of the noise that comes throughout the day.

2) I treat myself to a really good meal from a restaurant weekly and let me tell you, these dishes are so good. Let me recommend the vegetable plate from Abyssinia and the kale Caesar salad from City Silo. These are both my thing right now haha.

3) Do you have Netflix? When the kiddos went to sleep in the evening, I’d enjoy watching The Break Point and Quarterback. For whatever reason, I love observing how individuals face high-pressure situations and the mindsets they’re forced to obtain to endure. It’s fascinating to me.

4) Lastly, if you know me, you know that I appreciate really good storytelling. Couple that with a testimony of what God has done in someone’s life, and I’m hooked. At night, whenever I have to clean up our downstairs to prep for the next day (which is every day lol!), I plug in my headphones and listen to Delafe testimonies. If you haven’t listened to one, you must! So many powerful testimonies from individuals from all walks of life.

Welp, that’s all for now. My little one is about to wake up from a nap.

Til next time,

Pondered Thought