
As a mother of little ones, I deeply desire feeling recognized for what I do. Here's how unexpected grace found me on a day the Lord met my greatest need.

As a mother of little ones, I deeply desire feeling recognized for what I do. Here's how unexpected grace found me on a day the Lord met my greatest need.

No one was there to praise me for how I managed the house or the kids. And the world certainly didn’t exalt my line of work either. No promotion. No monetary compensation. And although I wouldn’t change anything because I knew the seeds that I was sowing were eternal in nature, the temporal feeling of loneliness was nonetheless felt.

Weight-Loss: Focusing on the Process...Not the End Results

Weight-Loss: Focusing on the Process...Not the End Results

After a few weeks of doing some at-home workouts, aside from being “sore” a few days in a row, I saw very little results from my sweaty workouts.

My husband assured me that “these things” took time. He was quite the professional at this point in coaching and encouraging me through any postpartum woes. We just had our third child. But I wanted some sort of results. Anything to motivate me to keep at it.